Scene/Project News

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Records 1 to 38 of 38
2024-12-24 MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!
2023-11-19 As of today we stop including Amiga and Amiga CD32 releases into dats. There is simply no point in working with BBS files in 2023. Unpacked releases or no NFO/DIZ included or NOT provided to us. But ADs included like 30 years ago. All MIA releases will be deleted from overview. As an Amiga500 fan i'm really sad about decission. Sorry guys and wish you a nice day!
2023-05-07 today, mia=yes tag was added to dats, so you can see which releases are missing but will not touch your green status (RomVault). on this way you all are aware which releases do not have hashes and are needed for verification.
2022-12-31 HAPPY NeW YEAR to EvErYoNe!
2022-05-30 PC SECTION: moving/deleting all COVERs, GUIDES, MANUALs, SCANs out from Game Systems and placing them to own MISC section (IF ANY!). As right now several hundred DUPEs in PCDОX/PC0DAY which were already moved from Consoles too.
2022-02-13 With new option "7. Choose if you want that Year Releases are placed into Month Subfolders or not:" you can generate DATs for Month Subfolders of a Year DAT.
2020-12-31 May the New Year bless you with health, wealth, and happiness.
2020-12-24 May this festive season brings lots of joy and happiness in your life. May all of your wishes and dreams come true, and may you feel this happiness all year round. Merry Christmas!
2020-04-23 Movin' all COVERs, GUIDES, MANUALs, SCANs out from Game Systems and placing them to own MISC section.
2020-04-09 @GANT we LOVE YOU too! <3 [edited] well, we don't have corona virus for you but you can get some fresh corona beer! wish you all the best and to my dear "number" friend the same ;) cheers and enjoy!
2020-03-25 Today we created new settings for DATs creation (SortBY, SortKey, P2P include or not). Some people will be happy, some will not. BUT who cares, bitchez! :) cheers, bb

DELETE cookies, if you are in trouble!
2020-03-08 you want to tell us something? join #dats on and ask.
2019-12-24 Merry Christmas to everyone!
2019-08-20 from today on, you can choose if you want to exclude nuked releases from DATs.. just go to the user setting..
2019-08-03 WS DAT added, more will come..
2019-08-03 Greetings to GGn bitchez.. bb
2019-05-19 so, layout changed, some bugs removed -> thx 4 info Teddy! enjoy! bb
2019-05-08 in the next few days i will update the site. so if you see it closed you will know what is going on.. cheers, bb
2019-03-20 At the moment, we are experiencing difficulties in our data center Nürnberg. We are doing everything in our power to bring your services back online as quickly as possible!
2019-02-08 Just a nice greeting to all bitchez out there! ;)
2018-10-05 Sega Saturn, Sega Mega-CD, NEC PC Engine 2018 DATS added. have phun, bb
2018-07-07 Added DAT Folder Date Format MM-DD-YY , so we have now 7 different Versions.
2018-04-07 Due to request, PS1, PS2 and Xbox DATs are removed from the site. Sorry for the inconvenience. bb
2018-02-02 So, let's go... ALL PSP Dats are reviewed.. Updates are comming over the weekend.. Have phun boys & girls!.. bb
2017-12-24 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! .. bb
2017-06-14 Added DAT Folder Date Format MM.DD.YYYY , so we have now 6 different Versions.
2017-05-04 NDS 2005 going to be updated soon.
2017-04-28 Added DAT Folder Date Format YYYY.MM.DD , so we have now 5 different Versions. Have phun ;)
2017-04-23 Added Suggestion/Reporting System for DATs. Click on the "Wrench" icon if you want to report something (wrong Release Name, wrong Date, or whatever).
2017-04-20 Removed nuked field as it does not have sense for database and informations.
2017-04-15 Full Table Width, Year/Month Dropdowns, another Design Fine Tunning
2017-04-01 Several Tasks: Update, Edit, RLS Counts/Sizes/Files, etc
2017-03-26 DATs Creations on the Fly
2017-03-25 Track Changes (so nothing get lost)
2017-03-25 DAT Versions New Addoption
2017-03-24 Users Login and Group Permissions
2017-03-23 Import of all SCENE DATs